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Shared Mobility

splusm_header_highlighter.png Mobility Insights enable growth for rideshare, carshare, ride source, micro transit, bikeshare, scooter share, & on-demand delivery companies. Our shared mobility solutions empower you to make data-driven decisions to mitigate risks & optimize costs, so you can keep planning for scale. We help leaders in shared-mobility ecosystem develop a deeper understanding of the disruptions and how to capitalize the opportunities ahead.

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The shared mobility market now exceeds $60 billion in value across the three largest markets: China, Europe, and the United States. 


Share of Americans who have used ride-sharing services went from 15% to 36% between 2015 and 2018.


Shared micro mobility has become an integral part of cities across North America. In 2019, at least 292 cities had at least one bikeshare or e-scooter system and 99 had both.

Key Areas of Our Shared Mobility Services
Shared Mobility Business Model Development

Our team helps you develop a framework of strategies to start your shared mobility business by generating organizational, financial, & marketing plans by studying the foundations of the company, market in which it operates & how it generates revenues. 

  • Indicator-based eco-efficiency assessment
    Identify how your decisions regarding the supply chain of your business will likely affect the environmental and economic sustainability performances of your business
  • Assess Economic & Environmental Performance
    Quantify and visualize the scope-based emissions and costs of your business’ supply chain to redesign your supply chain sustainability strategy
  • Measure & Monitor Progress towards Corporate Sustainability Objectives
    Define your sustainability objectives based on current scientific findings and international efforts related to global sustainability and gain insights into the pace of your progress
Shared Mobility  Strategic Planning

Our team helps organizations identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to their business competition by assessing the current environment of a shared mobility business, both internally and externally. We assume several future scenarios to recommend how you should adapt to possible changes of the present shared mobility market, & thrive through the upcoming changes. 

  • Indicator-based eco-efficiency assessment
    Identify how your decisions regarding the supply chain of your business will likely affect the environmental and economic sustainability performances of your business
  • Assess Economic & Environmental Performance
    Quantify and visualize the scope-based emissions and costs of your business’ supply chain to redesign your supply chain sustainability strategy
  • Measure & Monitor Progress towards Corporate Sustainability Objectives
    Define your sustainability objectives based on current scientific findings and international efforts related to global sustainability and gain insights into the pace of your progress
Public Health & Equity
of Shared mobility

Shared Mobility has been one of the sectors that severely suffered from health-related and social equity outbreaks, impacting the economy, the level of service of the traffic network, and ecology.  We help you adapt your shared mobility strategies with pandemic crises, & social equity challenges.

  • Indicator-based eco-efficiency assessment
    Identify how your decisions regarding the supply chain of your business will likely affect the environmental and economic sustainability performances of your business
  • Assess Economic & Environmental Performance
    Quantify and visualize the scope-based emissions and costs of your business’ supply chain to redesign your supply chain sustainability strategy
  • Measure & Monitor Progress towards Corporate Sustainability Objectives
    Define your sustainability objectives based on current scientific findings and international efforts related to global sustainability and gain insights into the pace of your progress
Shared Mobility Traffic Operations Management

Mobility-on-Demand systems have flourished in the last decade & face many operational challenges to be competitive & provide good quality of service. A crucial step in the effective operation of these systems is to reduce customers' waiting time while properly selecting the optimal fleet size & pricing policy. We accommodate your needs to supply customized sets of variables and analytics.

  • Indicator-based eco-efficiency assessment
    Identify how your decisions regarding the supply chain of your business will likely affect the environmental and economic sustainability performances of your business
  • Assess Economic & Environmental Performance
    Quantify and visualize the scope-based emissions and costs of your business’ supply chain to redesign your supply chain sustainability strategy
  • Measure & Monitor Progress towards Corporate Sustainability Objectives
    Define your sustainability objectives based on current scientific findings and international efforts related to global sustainability and gain insights into the pace of your progress
Our Promise


  • Traffic Simulation 

  • Agent-based modeling

  • Experimental design

  • Discrete choice analysis




Our Senior Advisors
Shared Mobility Case Studies

Unlock your potential with S+M's Professional Services.

S+M offers solutions backed by years of experience with automotive technologies and robust software engineering services to help mobility companies and federal authorities get in the fast lane to the future of mobility. Our consulting services aim to keep your business on top of the ever-changing global market and in line with the latest technology trends.

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