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Drivers and Barriers to Implementation of Shared Mobility

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By: Sam Mahdavian & Alireza Shojaei

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The advantages offered by new CASE technologies are not a guarantee that users will employ them. Driving a vehicle is often viewed as a representation of independence and in the U.S. in particular, users may resist any change to the norm and the majority of drivers might not be willing to surrender their driver-driven and personal cars. Current vehicle standards, however, are leading to an increase in personal car ownership and have adverse social, environmental, and financial influences on the traffic network. All else being equal, there may be a more rapid uptake in countries with a less entrenched automobile culture. Several essential factors are at play that could lead to an ideal situation and close the current gaps that hinder the development and deployment of shared mobility. Policies about data-sharing and seamless connectivity between devices and services would enable organizations in the mobility domain to gain insight into users’ habits. This could result in precise forecasts of demand and tailored offerings, turning SAV into a ‘‘one-stop-shop’’ for mobility as a service (MaaS) offering. The consumer mindset could then shift from an asset-focused to a digitally focused, asset-free environment, which would boost MaaS. Hence, car owners’ and companies’ demands could then be addressed to tailor MaaS for each individual. Despite the recent growth in research on MaaS in passenger vehicle transportation, these subjects have been overlooked in trucking transportation. Monios and Bergqvist have established the chief characteristics of the trucking transportation network and derived a spectrum of possible business models, including the changing roles of the stakeholders. The dignity of ownership would be subsumed by pride in the performance of a system, which would offer complete freedom to the customer, who can then move independently between points. Organizations in the mobility sector should also design offerings for customers who still desire the same comforts they have always enjoyed by offering them customized and specialized packages. These solutions may include dedicated assets for use on demand, providing the luxury of asset ownership while decreasing personal responsibility and risk. This in combination with government engaging and educating citizens on the benefits of these technologies should also incentivize alternative transportation. Merfeld et al. [132] investigated the driving factors, challenges, and future improvements of carsharing with SAVs. Technology, encompassing functionality, and convenience were identified as the most influential parameters. Moreover, economic drivers, such as demand and supply parameters, got high ratings.

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