By: Connected Wise
Summarized Description:
Another research project with two phases funded by the FDOT Central Office in Tallahassee aimed to develop sign sampling protocol to identify the number of data points that needs to be collected at each district and calibrate a predictive service life model for traffic sign sheeting.
· Manufacturer: Including but not limited to 3M, Avery, Dennison, and Nippon
· Sign Colors: White, Blue, Brown, Red, Green, Yellow, and Fluorescent Yellow-Green
· Sheeting Types: III, IV, VII, and XI
· Roadway Location Type: Urban or Rural
· Physical Geographic Location: Inland or Coastal
· Regional Locations: Overall, Northern Florida, Central Florida, and Southern Florida
· Cardinal Directions: North, South, East, and West
Zonal level Ordinary Least Squares Sampling (OLS) prediction model was developed based on census tracts. Hot spots and cold spots indicate the model over and under predicted zones, respectively. (See Figure ..).
