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Freight Mobility


Freight Mobility plays a critical role for highway authorities, federal organizations & logistics companies. Increased urbanization, population growth, and economic development have led to an increased demand for freight travel. team provides a comprehensive plan for federal agencies that identifies freight transportation facilities critical to the economic growth & guides multimodal freight investments in the state. We also provide freight-focused solutions for logistic companies that offer location tracking, route optimization & safety improvements. We offer updates that will drive innovation in your system to provide a safe, efficient, and resilient transportation system that increases profit and while preserving the quality of our environment. 



Freight trucks account for almost 25% of the total GHG emissions from the U.S. transportation sector


Battery electric trucks could provide savings of up to 20% in life cycle cost of trucking given current electricity infrastructure


Electric trucks could lower the social cost of harmful emissions up to 35%

Key Areas of Our Freight Mobility Services

Fuel expenditures represent a large share of the life cycle costs of freight mobility. Furthermore, air pollution caused by truck tailpipes incurs health-related externality costs to communities, as well as environment. Truck electrification presents a window of opportunities for your organization to help minimize your organization’s carbon footprint, improve your social impacts, and reduce overall transportation costs. 

  • Indicator-based eco-efficiency assessment
    Identify how your decisions regarding the supply chain of your business will likely affect the environmental and economic sustainability performances of your business
  • Assess Economic & Environmental Performance
    Quantify and visualize the scope-based emissions and costs of your business’ supply chain to redesign your supply chain sustainability strategy
  • Measure & Monitor Progress towards Corporate Sustainability Objectives
    Define your sustainability objectives based on current scientific findings and international efforts related to global sustainability and gain insights into the pace of your progress
Socio-Economic & Environmental Analysis of Connected Automated Trucks

At, we offer decision-making tools to make well-informed business decisions using sustainability indicators by identifying various possible alternatives considering factors such as the cost, benefits, and the chance of success or failure.

  • Indicator-based eco-efficiency assessment
    Identify how your decisions regarding the supply chain of your business will likely affect the environmental and economic sustainability performances of your business
  • Assess Economic & Environmental Performance
    Quantify and visualize the scope-based emissions and costs of your business’ supply chain to redesign your supply chain sustainability strategy
  • Measure & Monitor Progress towards Corporate Sustainability Objectives
    Define your sustainability objectives based on current scientific findings and international efforts related to global sustainability and gain insights into the pace of your progress
Traffic Network Analysis of Connected Automated Trucks

Transportation infrastructure is quickly moving towards revolutionary changes to accommodate the deployment of Connected Automated Trucks (CATs). CATs are believed to have great potential to improve the traffic capacity and efficiency of the current transport systems. It is, therefore, of paramount importance to consider the traffic level of service, crash and safety, fuel economy, environmental impacts, and route choice with a mixture of vehicles.

  • Indicator-based eco-efficiency assessment
    Identify how your decisions regarding the supply chain of your business will likely affect the environmental and economic sustainability performances of your business
  • Assess Economic & Environmental Performance
    Quantify and visualize the scope-based emissions and costs of your business’ supply chain to redesign your supply chain sustainability strategy
  • Measure & Monitor Progress towards Corporate Sustainability Objectives
    Define your sustainability objectives based on current scientific findings and international efforts related to global sustainability and gain insights into the pace of your progress
Supply Chain Management

 At, we streamline the flow of goods and services to any unexpected natural disaster. With effective supply chain management by our experts, we could diagnose problems for seamless movement of goods, actively streamlining a business's supply-side activities to maximize customer value and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. 

  • Indicator-based eco-efficiency assessment
    Identify how your decisions regarding the supply chain of your business will likely affect the environmental and economic sustainability performances of your business
  • Assess Economic & Environmental Performance
    Quantify and visualize the scope-based emissions and costs of your business’ supply chain to redesign your supply chain sustainability strategy
  • Measure & Monitor Progress towards Corporate Sustainability Objectives
    Define your sustainability objectives based on current scientific findings and international efforts related to global sustainability and gain insights into the pace of your progress
  • Indicator-based eco-efficiency assessment
    Identify how your decisions regarding the supply chain of your business will likely affect the environmental and economic sustainability performances of your business
  • Assess Economic & Environmental Performance
    Quantify and visualize the scope-based emissions and costs of your business’ supply chain to redesign your supply chain sustainability strategy
  • Measure & Monitor Progress towards Corporate Sustainability Objectives
    Define your sustainability objectives based on current scientific findings and international efforts related to global sustainability and gain insights into the pace of your progress

The goal of truck transportation is to move goods on land safely & efficiently for service provider & public agencies. However, these two stakeholders of truck transportation have different agendas for operation & planning. offers a collective effort to consider both of these stakeholders’ agenda. 

Our Promise


  • Machine Learning

  • UN Comtrade Database,

  • Ecoinvent, Gabi, and SimaPro

  • Brightway2

  • AnyLogic for ABM 

  • Vensim for SD Modeling

  • Traffic simulation tools


  • ISO 14040/44 Life Cycle Assessment

  • Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard

Our Senior Advisors
Freight Mobility Case Studies

Unlock your potential with S+M's Professional Services. S+M offers solutions backed by years of experience with automotive technologies and robust software engineering services to help mobility companies and federal authorities get in the fast lane to the future of mobility. Our consulting services aim to keep your business on top of the ever-changing global market and in line with the latest technology trends.

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