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EV Books


Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicles: From Concept to Reality

Heavy-duty electric vehicle design is challenging due to a lack of clear understanding of the government policies, R&D directions and uncertainty around the performance of various subsystems in an electric powertrain.

Feb 23, 2021

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Electric Vehicle Engineering

This hands-on resource thoroughly explains the technologies and techniques involved in the design and operation of today’s electric vehicles.

Jan 24, 2021

McGraw-Hill Education
journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Electric Vehicles: Modern Technologies and Trends (Green Energy and Technology)

This book focuses on the latest emerging technologies in electric vehicles (EV), and their economic and environmental impact. The topics covered include different types of EV such as HEV, BEV, FCEV, PHEV.

Nov 25, 2020

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Electric Hybrid vehicles

This concise book has been designed for easy reading and to meet the critical skill requirements of students in the branches of Automobile Engineering. The book deals with the fundamentals, electric vehicles (EVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs).

Oct 3, 2020

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

The Electric Car Mobility in Upheavel

The volume is dedicated to the electric car. It examines the extent to which the electric car can contribute to sustainable transport development as part of a new mobility culture. The technical, cultural, political, social and aesthetic dimensions are considered.

Aug 25, 2020

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Toward Sustainable And Economic Smart Mobility: Shaping The Future Of Smart Cities

This book offers a unique opportunity for the reader to explore state-of-the-art developments in applications, technologies (e.g., Big Data and artificial intelligence), services and research trends in smart mobility for smart cities.

Jun 18, 2020

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

It covers the different types of electric vehicle, costs and emissions, and the charging infrastructure, before moving on to explain how hybrid and electric vehicles work.

Jun 10, 2020

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Electric Vehicles in Energy Systems: Modelling, Integration, Analysis, and Optimization

This book discusses the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of electric vehicles and their impact on electrical grids and energy systems. The book is divided into three parts that include load modeling, integration and optimization, and environmental evaluation.

Jan 20, 2020

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Energy Storage and Management for Electric Vehicles

This Special Edition of Energies draws together a collection of research papers that critically evaluates key areas of innovation and novelty when designing and managing the high-voltage battery system within an electrified powertrain.

Jan 15, 2020

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Principles, Design and Technology

An electric vehicle is a vehicle that uses a single or multiple electric or traction motors for propulsion. It may be powered by electricity derived from off-vehicle sources, or from a self-contained system of solar panels, battery or an electric generator.

Jun 10, 2019

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Electric Car: A Beginners Guide to Understanding Electric Cars

This book seeks to eliminate many of these misconceptions and myths that surround these vehicles and provides information on:Birth of Hybrid Electric Cars and Their Purpose, Electric Cars- Save Your Money and Environment and …

Feb 28, 2019

Author's Republic
journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Inside Electric Cars (Inside Technology)

Inside Electric Cars introduces readers to the uses of electric cars, the hardware and software that make electric cars possible, and the future of electric car technology.

Jan 1, 2019

Core Library
journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Emerging Technologies for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

This collection invites articles that address the state-of-the-art technologies and new developments for EVs and HEVs, electric powertrains, hybrid powertrains, energy management systems, energy refueling systems and …

Oct 11, 2018

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Intelligent Control of Connected Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (Advances in Industrial Control)

This book presents the development of real-time intelligent control systems for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, which involves control-oriented modelling, controller design, and performance evaluation.

Oct 9, 2018

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Electric Vehicles (Smithsonian Readers)

Learn why electric vehicles are enticing drivers to "Dump the pump" and how they have evolved over time! with a hands-on steam activity, this book uses real-world examples to teach how the engineering design process is used to solve problems.

Oct 1, 2018

Teacher Created Materials
journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Faster, Smarter, Greener : The Future of the Car and Urban Mobility

This book, by three experts from industry and academia, envisions a new world of mobility that is connected , heterogeneous , i ntelligent , and personalized (the CHIP architecture). The authors describe the changes that are coming.

Sep 11, 2018

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Environmental Assessment of Lightweight Electric Vehicles (Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management) 

This monograph adresses the challenge of the environmental assessment of leightweight electric vehicles.Book concludes with a comprehensive concept on the environmental assessment of LEVs.

May 30, 2018

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

How Norway's government made electric cars irresistible

Norway's vast wealth comes from decades of gas and oil production, yet its citizens are turning their backs on fossil fuels and embracing electric cars like nowhere else. In fact, the Norwegian government is planning to end sales of gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2025.

May 29, 2017

NewsHour Productions
journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

The On-line Electric Vehicle: Wireless Electric Ground Transportation Systems

This book shows how the use of new transportation technology can contribute to the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and consequent climate change

Apr 4, 2017

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Green Energy and Technology: Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles: Advanced Simulation Methodologies

The book presents the methodology of simulation that allows the specialist to evaluate electric and hybrid vehicle powertrain energy flow, efficiency, range and consumption.

Oct 17, 2016

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Advanced Hybrid and Electric Vehicles: System Optimization and Vehicle Integration (Lecture Notes in Mobility)

This contributed volume contains the results of the research program “Agreement for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles”, developed in the framework of the Energy Technology Network of the International Energy Agency.

Apr 5, 2016

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Energy Management Strategies (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)

This SpringerBrief deals with the control and optimization problem in hybrid electric vehicles. Given that there are two energy sources in hybrid vehicles, it shows the reader how to implement an energy-management strategy that decides how much of the vehicle’s power is provided by each source instant by instant.

Dec 28, 2015

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Advances in Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles (Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy)

The text contains an introductory section on the market for battery and hybrid electric vehicles, then thoroughly presents the latest on lithium-ion battery technology.

May 21, 2015

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Lecture Notes in Mobility: Electric Vehicle Business Models: Global Perspectives

This contributed volume collects insights from industry professionals, policy makers and researchers on new and profitable business models in the field of EV for the mass market. It includes approaches that address the optimization of total cost of ownership.

Jan 8, 2015

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Analytical Design and Control of Electric Vehicles Power Chain

In this book, we describe a methodology of systemic design of electric vehicles (EVs) power chain, reducing the cost and the consumption. This methodology rests on the choice of the structure and the components of this chain reducing jointly the cost and the consumption of EVs.

Dec 29, 2014

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing 
journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Optimal Control of Hybrid Vehicles (Advances in Industrial Control)

Optimal Control of Hybrid Vehicles provides a description of power train control for hybrid vehicles. The text includes mathematical models for all relevant components in the hybrid power train.

Apr 5, 2013

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Build Your Own Electric Vehicle, Third Edition

This book covers environmental impact and energy savings, the best EV for you--purchase trade-offs, conversion trade-offs, and conversion costs, chassis and design and …

Feb 19, 2013

McGraw-Hill Education TAB
journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Electric Vehicle Technology Explained

This book presents clear and comprehensive coverage of the major aspects of electric vehicle development and offers an engineering-based evaluation of electric motor scooters, cars, buses and trains.

Sep 17, 2012

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals, Second Edition

This book represents a systems-level perspective on electric and hybrid vehicles technical aspects, basic mathematical relationships and fundamental design guidelines.The author has chosen to write a book on the basics of EHV, directed mainly to Engineering Students.

Aug 9, 2010

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Power Sources, Models< Sustainability, Infrastructure and the Market

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Power Sources, Models, Sustainability, Infrastructure and the Market reviews the performance, cost, safety, and sustainability of battery systems for HEVs and EVs, including nickel-metal hydride batteries and Li-ion batteries.

Jul 27, 2010

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Handbook of Automotive Power Electronics and Motor Drives

This authoritative handbook features contributions from an outstanding international panel of experts from industry and academia, highlighting existing and emerging technologies.

May 25, 2005

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Electric Vehicle Technology Explained

This book Encompasses a full range of electric vehicles: bicycles, mobility aids, delivery vehicles and buses – not just cars, Covers all the basic technology relating to electric road vehicles – batteries, super capacitors, flywheels, fuel cells, electric motors and their controllers, and system design.

Dec 8, 2003

journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and

Modern Electric Vehicle Technology

This book concisely and precisely reviews the state of the art of EV technology and the historical development of EVs, presents the engineering philosophy of electric vehicles.

Nov 15, 2001

Oxford England; New York: Oxford University Press
journal-publisher-Sustainable Cities and
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